George Kamana Hunter (GK Hunter) has a rich ancestral lineage, including Irish, northern European, and Mohawk. In this episode, George and Melanie talk a lot about ancestral or inherited trauma and how to begin healing.

In the Forward to George’s book, Healing Our Bloodlines: The 8 Realizations of Generational Liberation, Dr. Eduardo Duran writes “I have found that most, if not all of the symptoms that we treat in many of our healthcare settings have their genesis in trauma, also know as “Injury where blood doesn’t flow” by indigenous ways of knowing. The injury where blood doesn’t flow becomes part of the bloodlines that carry the injury into subsequent generations.”

This episode covers a lot of intriguing ground. The audio link is at the bottom of this page.

If you’d rather watch the vid of our recording, here you go.


After 15 years of working as an intuitive healer with Jewish Holocaust Survivors, Native Americans, the homeless, veterans, physicians, and community leaders, GK Hunter developed a step-by-step process to unburdening the heavy history that we inherit from our ancestors.

Based on those years of research and experiences, he created a model of healing which he wrote about in his book, Healing Our Bloodlines: The 8 Realizations of Generational Liberation.

Hunter was the director of Sakura & Pearls: Healing from World War 2, a documentary about Japanese survivors of the atomic bomb meeting the American survivors of the Pearl Harbor attack.

He’s made presentations at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Cornell University, and been a guest on NPR’s All Things Considered.

GK Hunter’s website here

GK Hunter on Instagram here

Dr. Melanie Harth is a counselor and coach who specializes in trauma-sensitive psychological safety, emotional mastery, and taking smart action steps even when you’re terrified.

Melanie Harth website and free guided meditation here

Melanie Harth on Facebook here