Dr. Katherine Ortega Courtney is back, this time with Dominic Cappello, co-directors of the Anna Age Eight Institute.

Both guests are long-time advocates for childhood safety and health, working within the system. They’re very much about data-driven solutions for such things as childhood trauma, adverse childhood experiences, and building strong resilient communities.

Katherine and Dominic have co-authored two books, Anna Age Eight, and 100% Community: Ensuring 10 Vital Services for Surviving and Thriving.
100 Community is more than a book, however. It’s a book, a course, an initiative, and a movement. 
Issues discussed include:

~~ What are the “surviving services”?

medical care, behavioral health care, safe housing, secure food and transport to vital services

~~ What about the “thriving services”?

parent supports, early childhood learning programs, community schools, youth mentors and job training

Recorded early in the Covid-19 pandemic, in this episode we also talk about vulnerability and hope, and the ways in which we might use this time as a collective re-set button.
What are our priorities? What matters the most? Who matters?