You’re thinking of working with a new therapist, someone you don’t know and maybe don’t want to offend or disrespect. But, oh my gosh!
Santa Fe is a special place, and it attracts a lot of really interesting people, many who are experts in their fields. We’re blessed to have so many talented, experienced people who work here.
But with so many people to choose from, you’re confused, even overwhelmed, about what to ask before you choose someone. How’re you supposed to find the right therapist in Santa Fe NM?
- What should you ask?
- What’s appropriate?
- Is there anything you shouldn’t ask?
- What if the person gets offended by something?
Plus, if you’re a little bit sensitive, you might be worried that you’ll ask the wrong thing. And if you’re shy about reaching out, you may skip over asking something that’s important to you because you don’t want to upset anyone.
Because I love helping people get what they want and need, I’m hoping this information will help you feel confident about asking anything you’re curious about.
Find the Right Therapist in Santa Fe NM
How to find the right therapist in Santa Fe NM can feel overwhelming!
Ask these seven questions when you have a free consult with a potential new therapist in Santa Fe, and you’ll be prepared to decide whether or not to keep looking.
1. What education/training/experience do you have working with my problem?
All licensed psychotherapists are trained in a wide variety of mental health issues, such as disordered eating, personality disorders, and other chronic, sometimes severe mental illness. That doesn’t mean, however, that every therapist has the specialized training for your specific circumstances and needs.
For instance, yes, I’ve had general training to help people deal with disordered eating. But I always refer out to a colleague I know and trust, someone who has the specialized advanced training necessary to successfully work with this issue.
When a therapist can acknowledge the areas they’re good with, and the areas for which someone else might be a better fit, you’re being given a clue that s/he is transparent, honest, humble, and trustworthy.
2. How would you describe your ideal client?
Yes, ask them who they love working with, what techniques they’re most comfortable with, and why they like those things. Again, these will help you discern whether or not it’s a good fit for you and your needs.
3. Why are you a counselor?
You can learn a lot from their answer. Many therapists have had challenging life experiences that inspired them to help others. Not that you want to hear someone’s entire, personal life story; in fact, you don’t — that’s not appropriate. But hearing a counselor’s why can help you figure out if it’s helpful to you.
More Questions to Ask
4. What’s your favorite thing about what you do?
You may hear some surprising answers with this question, and not many folks think to ask this.
5. What doesn’t work for you as a therapist?
This will give you a lot of information about the counselor’s point of view in terms of what it takes for clients to succeed, or if that’s even a focus for them (yes, it def should be).
6. How long have you been a therapist?
Some people need a seasoned, experienced therapist who’s been around the block a few times, and other folks would rather work with someone who’s just starting out. Neither is better or worse; it all depends on your comfort level, and what you need in order to feel emotionally safe.
Someone who’s recently finished their master’s program and is still required to have regular supervision gets a lot of extra time with experienced therapists going over cases and clients. And just because someone has a lot of advanced degrees doesn’t mean s/he is the right therapist for you.
It’s your pick! But please, ask this if it’s important to you.
7. Do you take insurance? How do you handle payment?
Don’t be afraid to talk about money. It may, in fact, be part of what you’re going to therapy to work through.
Insider Tips For Interviewing a Potential Therapist
- There’s no such thing as a wrong question, or opinion. This is all about you, which might be unfamiliar territory for you. Be brave, though … it’s how you’ll find a good counselor.
- Therapists are just people who want to help others live good lives, full of happiness and wellbeing. If you talk to someone who’s a little scary or rigid, or not very empathetic, keep looking.
- It’s OK to be honest, even though it’s with a complete stranger. I know, weird, right? But you’ll find the right therapist for you by being honest. Remember, you’ve got nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
- A good therapist will understand that you feel uncomfortable. Because, it’s weird. it’s also wonderful with the right therapist; it’s how you’ll make long-lasting changes, succeed with your goals, and how the magic happens. When you have that free consult, do you get the feeling s/he understood your discomfort? If not, try another one.
The Santa Fe Therapist Services
The Santa Fe Therapist specializes in several areas of health, wellbeing, healing and recovery. We know that one size never fits all. Our services are individualized to each client, and are based on your values, your needs and desires, and your goals.
We offer individual adult counseling and guidance in Santa Fe NM for:
- dealing with overwhelming angst and despair
- anxiety help
- depression help
- emotional and spiritual healing
- processing grief
- overcoming low self-esteem
- learning how to make peace with the present
- PTSD and CPTSD/trauma
- helping you manage stress
Free 15-Minute Consult With the Santa Fe Therapist
All you have to do is send me an email at, and we’ll schedule a free 15-minute consult together.